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Mammary tumors on 2 year old female

21 17:16:26

I have a 2 year old who has already had surgery to have 3 tumors removed about 8 months ago and now she has a large one (pingpong ball) on her side near left leg and a small (pea) on her side and it seems like near her groin (vulva) area she is also growing one or two, can't tell. She has constant Myco which I give her Batril/Doxy twice a day for but otherwise eats well and has no problems going to the bathroom. She stays on my sons bed 24/7 so she doesn't move around too much but when she does, she seems to not have any problems getting around. I am wondering if I should do surgery again on her or wait until she has problems with the tumors. My last rat passed away shortly after having her 2nd surgery for tumors so I am a little nervous to do the same on this one. I understand the tumors will keep growing so I am leaning towards the surgery, but want what is best for the rat. Can they inject anything into the tumors to shrink them? Or any medicine or holistic medicine to try first. I am open to anything that will help my little girl. Thank You for your help.

Please read my website, for info on tumors and other treatments.  Its like pulling teeth to get vets to use it, but there has been success using bother tamoxifen and lupron on rats with recurring mammary tumors. Both of these drugs have been used to  shrink or halt growth of mammary tumors by stopping the production of estrogen which is known to be the cause of these tumors.

I am more concerned about her state of health.  Does she have respiratory issues now? This of course can make surgery even more risky esp if her lungs are scarred from so many recurring infections.

How long after the surgery did your other rat die and what is the skill and credentials of your current vet?  You can make the next follow up private.