Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Swollen neck, sneezing and bloody (?) nose

Swollen neck, sneezing and bloody (?) nose

21 17:47:20

QUESTION: My sister got a rat from her school 2 weeks ago, its 7 months old and because she is away a few days im taking care of it atm. Already 2 weeks ago it had been sneezing but we didnt think much of it. However 2 days ago it had gotten a big/swollen neck, first it looked like it was just chubby (its kind of a big rat) but now it got bigger and you can tell its not normal. Yesterday morning i noticed it had what i thought was blood on its nose but after reading in a previous post ( it might just be red snot.
In the other post it also says "look for other symptoms.. like swollen neck (bullfroggy looking)" and that can be seen on this rat.
Behavior seems pretty normal, its possible she is sleeping more but im not sure.
Here is a picture of her from 2 minutes ago:
Thanks a lot for help

ANSWER:   A swelling in the neck can be from a tumor, abscess, or a swollen lymph node which is usually caused by a virus.  It's impossible for me to tell exactly what it is over the internet; I would take her to a vet as soon as you can.  He will be able to feel it and possibly aspirate it and see what it is.  Treatment will depend on what is causing the lump.

 A tumor, though more rare in rats that young, can be surgically removed though in such a delicate area it may not be possible.  An abscess is basically an infected pimple and it is treated by lancing it, draining it, and putting the rat on antibiotics.  A swollen lymph node could be from a tumor as well, or from a virus.  There aren't any cures for viruses rats get (don't worry, they can't spread to people); usually you just have to treat the symptoms and hope the rat survives.

 Other possibilities include a bite wound, bug bite, allergies, or complications caused by mycoplasma bacteria, which is a bacteria so common almost every rat is born with it and can cause a myriad of problems when the rat is exposed to stress or secondary infections.  I'm afraid the only way you're going to figure this out is to take her to a vet.  I haven't seen this problem myself, personally, so I can't be much more help.

 I'm very interested to find out what happens, please let me know!  Good luck!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Could a tumor grow that big in 2 days?

ANSWER: VERY unlikely, but possible.  It's more likely some kind of swelling, either something pushing from inside or just part of the skin itself that has swollen.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: It does look like swelling. Suppose its got something to do with the lymph nodes, would it be very urgent to get to the vet? I might not be able to go tomorrow and the vet is closed on sunday.

Since she's acting fine otherwise, except for the sneezing, I wouldn't say it's an emergency, but do try to get her in first thing Monday if you can't go tomorrow.  If she develops any new symptoms and appears to be in pain or distress you may have to go in on emergency.  Hopefully everything will turn out fine!