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Bloody Eye?

21 17:17:21

Couple of days ago me and my boyfriend noticed my rat had a light whitish dot in the retina of her eye and I though maybe it could be cataracts because she is two years old but then I figured it may have just been the lighting because my rattie Latte wouldn't hold still long enough to make a good conclusion. Well a day or two later we noticed her whole eye was blood red and it was so dark I could not make out her retina or anything and it started to worry me on spot. Latte had a small tumor near her lower extremities that I'm currently having be surgically removed and had planned on asking the vet but with the current visit costing me about three hundred dollars I am afraid to find out that her eye may need removing or something more serious like brain tumors, seeing as she has gotten so far two benign tumors that lay on top of the tissue yet under the skin. Could her eye be linked to stress with the lump or is it more serious and what is it?
Thank you for your time, Diana.

It could be a nasty infection, so lets keep our fingers crossed.  I had to have an enucleation done on one of my  rats and he did just fine, so dont worry about that although I know the cost is also a worry.   If the vet wants to try to use medications first, I would opt for that before anything else.

Also, there is no link between the tumors your little rat is getting on her body to the problems with her eye.  The tumors she has are mammary tumors which are linked to high hormonne levels that rise usually after the female rat stops going into heat.