Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > bread


21 17:40:45

i was in a pet shop the other day and they had a whole loaf of bread in there cage that had a hole cut in the middle for the rats to eat away at, i dint think about asking them at the time lol, anyway i was thinking i wanna give it ago but i wanna make sure its safe for them as i dun want the bread to go all mouldy? is there a safe way do i need to cook it or something?


 It would probably be fine as long as you took the bread out of the cage after one day, but bread is not the healthiest thing for them to be eating.  Not that it would harm them, but if they were to eat only the bread they may skimp on nutrients from their regular food.  If it is a once-in-a-while treat it should be just fine, just make sure you remove it after 24 hours as they will urinate in it and you definitely don't want them eating on it then!  Good luck with your rats!