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rats eye may be infected

21 17:22:26

About three weeks ago i noticed my almost two year old rat, Salena, had a swollen and red eye. After about a week I took her to the vet who prescribed antibiotics to be rubbed on the eye as well as baytril to be taken orally. After a week of treatment she seemed to be better. The eye was still a little larger than normal, but it no longer looked red or irritated. However, this morning when i went in to give them their morning snacks, i noticed the eye was again swollen, and it looked like a drop of pus or some milky fluid was coming out, but before i could get a good look, she wiped it away.
Do you think she could have an abscess behind the eye? I'm upset that the first vet visit didn't help, and i guess I'm going to have to take her in again, but it might be a while before i can get an appointment. What do you think it could be?  

It would be my next best guess that she may have an abscess behind the eye (especially since you said it's bulging). I'd imagine the baytril started to help that and reduced the swelling minutely, but not enough to really take care of it. I really wish I could suggest something else, but honestly, I don't have much experience with eye injuries. Good luck.