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Spayed female with un-neutered males?

21 17:29:58

I found this little female rat among the "feeders" at the pet store that i just couldn't leave there. I have all male rats at home, two neutered, the rest intact. I don't think i will be getting my males neutered (also, what is your opinion on neutering males. I've read from people of both sides of opinions. Does it lengthen their life, or is it rather unessessary to put them through this painfull surgery?)
So i could find this little female a good home with other females, but i would keep her if i got her spayed, but first i'd like to know, Would the intact males still smell that she is a female and be more aggressive toward one another, or would she be completely neutral, like another male rat, and not excite any more hormones in my intact males? I want to be very cautious not to make them frustrated or aggressive and fight.
Thank you so much.

I only believe in neutering males for aggression and no, it doesnt do a thing to extend their life, I wish it did!

Females should always be spayed no matter what, in my opinion since they have over a 70% chance of developing mammary tumors after 18 months of age when their estrus cycle ends and estrogen levels soar which fuel the growth of these nasty tumors.

I would opt for spaying the female.  If you have yourself some nice laid back males, they will do fine with them.  usually males respect females. Its part of their nature.

Word of warning though:  I would be sure the vet that is spaying this rat is super experienced with surgery and rats.  See my website and page on safe surgery to be sure the vet meets these needs. Its a must to ensure the safest surgery possible!