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scratching around eye

21 17:52:09

my adult male rat is scratching around his rt. eye till his skin is all bloody and he seems to be itchy in general lately. Can I give him a chip off of a childrens benadryl.He also has a bare spot he scratches at but its been there about a year now with no change on his side.His diet  is Reggie Rat food and and what ever anyone is eating as his cage in in a major traffic area bettween kitchen and living area. Thank you any help will be appreciated. Deborah

Hi Deborah

There is a problem with people feeding your boy and the problem is proteins and fats in the diet. High protein diets cause allergies but also contribute to kidney disease later in life. I would limit the table foods and check his diet for protein content. It should not exceed 15 percent, and if it does 18 is the max it should ever go.

As for the benadryl, you need to dose him a pretty accurate dose for safety but you CAN use benadryl, only it should be the childrens elixir.

Childrens benadryl liquid:

0.2 mg per pound twice a day

You can also rub him with cortisone cream and neosporin if you feel the sores may be infected or look angry enough.