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diet and horse(lol)

21 17:44:06


Holly and I jumping
Ok. Good to know I don't need to wean her off of anything. Do you prefer one diet over another or does it really depend on the rat?

I own one horse. Her name is Holly. She is a beautiful gray! I have a love for all animals but my favorties are my dogs, rat, and horse! They are my life!  

It depends on the rat really but I do prefer harlan teklad lab blocks or regal rat by oxbow for rats over 4 months and also the rat mix too.

Your horse is gorgeous.  Your up so.....high! LOL! I think that is what scares me..the height!  I am just 5 foot tall so its a long way down. I get dizzy on a step ladder. You can say I am scared of heights.

I also love animals. I have 7 cats, a dog bigger than me (almost) a bunny rabbit, 4 rats and 4 hermit crabs that are really big and really old. I Have had them for years. They out live rats by decades!!!