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Cyst and more

21 17:35:48

I read most of your blog about them but I still feel better asking.
I own a white jumbo rat I bought him as a pet he was full grown when I got him I am unsure how old he is I have had him almost 2 years now.
He normally gets cyst and they go away own their own.
But he has one near his penis area and its quite large. It has a hole in it but it is not a yellow or green puss.
Its bloody and smells very awful.
I noticed when I took him out today to clean it with some water. That he also has 2 very hard ones now formed on his neck. My mother use to work with vet on horses she is quite unsure what to do with such a small animal. We tried to wait to see if they would go away but they have not.
Also when I was lighting pressing on his lower area to see if that was also hard a hard yellow ish thing came out of his penis and it smelled Is that caused from the cyst also?
We might be taking them to the vet tomorrow but we really don't have the money for it.
My mother thought he might of been a test rat because someone brought him in and didn't want him anymore or we feed him too much sweets.
I hope I gave enough information to help!

He needs a vet right off and a good vet that knows about exotics and can operate properly in case he has what sounds like a testicular abscess.

These cysts are not cysts. Cysts do not contain pus. pus means there is infection that gets in the tissues and forms a mass of pus. When the mass opens, it leaves a hole that has to heal. Sometimes there is a black scab type skin over it which is necrotic tissue. Once that is removed, more pus will pour out.  These need cleaned with antispetic like hibicleanse and packed with neosporin ointment and they will heal good, but if your rat has pus coming from his penis, this mass must be tied in to his genitals which means he needs seen, medicated and possibly even neutered to save his life. If this opens up internally he could become septic which is fatal. If you need a vet that knows what they are doing please let me help find one, no obligation