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My sick, sick, rat

21 17:43:48

My rat, Dexter, 4 months old, shiny coat and eyes, very fat and happy, was displaying signs of mycoplasmosis, I knew myco was begining to run its race, But he stayed active, ate and drank still, some days there would be bad moments of wheezing then it would leave completely and it seemed to do that for a month. It never got worse, so I thought he would be fine. Dexter, began to choke yesterday, but was able to breathe still. The food did eventually go down and he is ok now. But is very lethargic and not interested in anything except food and drink. He just lays his head down. But is a bit active at night. He has no ear infection or anything, just the common signs of myco's course. Should he see a vet and go on a round of antibiotics, and what about the choking incident? Will he bo ok.
Thankyou; Hastings :)

 Yes, he should definitely see a vet.  Myco, when it flares up, usually doesn't go away on its own and requires medical intervention and a course of antibiotics to keep it at bay.  The choking may have been unrelated, but it could also be that he has a secondary infection that is causing his throat to swell, or he may have a tumor or abscess in his mouth which may make swallowing difficult.  Having a tumor or abscess can actually cause stress on the body which may have caused the myco in the first place.  Only a vet can tell you for sure.  I can't tell you whether or not he will be okay, but in my experience most rats who are showing those kind of symptoms will only get worse unless they are taken to a vet.  Sometimes they will still live for several months but they certainly aren't having a good quality of life.  I do hope he gets better soon, good luck!