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Rat Sickness

21 17:21:45

QUESTION: Hi I have just bought a shop rat and he has funny swollen bumps on his ears, tail and genital area. He also sleeps alot of the time and if you put him down on the floor to explore he just curls up and sleeps. He is 6 weeks old. He also makes a funny gurgling noise when he breathes in and out. It seems to be coming from his nose where there is a bit of clear liquid.


ANSWER: He is sick for sure.  He will need a vet right away.  A 6 week old rat is usually very active and the last thing they think about is curling up and sleeping when they can run around and explore.

Do you have a good vet that sees exotics?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Well right now he is on my floor fast asleep so you are definitely right. We have a vet that once treated my hamster when it had an umbilical cord infection and she was self mutilating. would he work. He is quite expensive but i have to get my rat better. Is he the right vet. If he treats hamsters will he treat my rat?

Thanks for your time and effort :)

Oh and by the way he also has very very runny poo's. They are caramel in colour and are like liquid.

Oh and while we are chatting i have another rat that i raised from the age on 4 days old but very day or so he kind of makes this high pitched "choo" noise. almost like a sneeze and then he shakes his head. Is this bad?

Yes if he helped the hamster, he can  probably help the rat too.  I would take him in right away.  Is his belly really round and plump?

How old is the rat that is making noise?  It sounds like he has a respiratory infection so he may also need medications too.   

If you want to let me know the name of the place your taking the rat and I can check to be sure he is the right vet, I can do that for you even if you live out of the US.