Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > baby rat doensnt have much hair

baby rat doensnt have much hair

21 17:36:10

QUESTION: hi. one of our 7 baby rats (they're 9 days old) doesn't seem to have near as much hair/fuzz as the others, and he's also the one that doesn't have any mites on him. should i be worried about him/her? thanks

ANSWER: Does he have curly whiskers, by chance?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: i just looked, and yes! he does. what is that all about? also, you had advised me to give an egg once/twice a week to the nursing mommy - i was wondering how long will that egg stay good in there cage? and one more thing. i'm hoping to go to the vet tomorrow, as you also advised yesterday for the mites. Should i take just the mommy and babies that i saw the mites on, or should i also take my other rat? will i need to bring anything special for them for the ride (it's at least an hour one way)? thanks - you're awesome!

I am so sorry I didnt get back to you. My computer crashed yesterday and I am using my sons today.  Bring all the babies so they are not alone.....and also, your rat is a double rex rat, which means she is a special breed of rats that grows hair and loses hair and has curly whiskers. People pay big money for these rats:)

Also, take the egg out after just a few hours pitching what she doesnt eat.   I feel bad I didnt get back to you sooner. Dang power source on the computer just shut the entire thing down and my heart dropped. I just thought questions I had waiting for me!  EEP!