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Rats foot swollen

21 17:47:24

Our little girl's foot is red and swollen. She is eating and her personality has not changed at all. She is not using her (right back) foot and it is a bit more swollen today than yesterday. The skin seems tight and it looks kinda fuzzy and warm. She does not really seem to be in pain, but it does not look good. What can I do to help this heal. Should we leave her with her litter mates. At this times we put her over in her own place. She is the oldest and the younger ones are looking for her. We did put neosporin cream on it. I just want her to be comfortable.

Please check out this photo below and let me know if this looks anything like what your seeing in your girl.

Few things first...keeping her alone and off the foot isnt a bad idea but also isolating can leave the lone rat a bit stressed and this can lower the immune system. If she has infection in that foot this may not be the best thing for her.

Is she a chubby rat?  Do you know if she had a fall or twisted it at all?  The warmth means inflammation of course....I would tell you to give her some childrens motrin for the swelling but I need a weight on her.  Do you have epsom salts?  As old fashioned as they are, they work miracles on swelling but you would have to keep her from licking the water.   

Let me know about those few things, esp if she is on the chubby side.

If this is infection, she will need oral antibiotics right away so it doesnt spread up her leg and into her blood stream.  That leads me down to the next question: do you have a vet that is a board certified exotic vet?  If not I can help find one for you!