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Weird clicking sound....I dont think its congestion.

21 17:48:20


My 1.5+ year old boy, Sammy, has been making an odd clicking sound for quite a while. I first thought it was congestion, so I started him on baytril, and kept him on for about 10 days. I don't think it did any good, because the sound is back again.

He doesn't do it often, but when he does it can be quite loud. I'm starting to think it's something with his teeth. I'm not really sure at this point.

What do you think?

Hi Jim

Is the sound coming from his mouth? When does he do it? Does he do it when your petting him or when he is sitting there in his little house or bed and seems calm and quiet?

Have you ever heard of "bruxing?"   
I have a feeling that is what you are hearing.  Rats grind their teeth together very very fast during rest or when they are really happy and content. This is one of the ways rats keep their teeth worn down to the proper levels. Sometimes when they brux, the forceful vibrations cause the muscles from the eyeballs to make the eyes also vibrate real fast making the eyes appear like they are going to bobble right out of their sockets. This is called "Boggling" and often when you hear a rat brux, you can watch carefully and see the eyes boggle too.  Its all really cute.  I went on a search at and typed in the search box:
"Rat bruxing" and you can hear and see what it sounds like to compare it to what you are hearing.  

Let me know if you do this.  Even so, let me know if the sound is indeed coming from the rats mouth and what is the rat doing at the times you hear this clicking sound?

I do think  that it is indeed bruxing you are hearing and it is totally normal. In fact, most of the time a  rat is content and happy when they brux so its a good thing:)