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Wild Baby Rat

21 17:10:01

Hello! I am confronted with quite a dilemma thanks to my pet cats hunting skills. Yesterday after school i arrived home finding that my cat had left a litter of dead wild baby rats at my doorstep. Having had rats for years and having a major soft spot for them i knelt down in time to see one yawn. It cant be more than two days of age. I kept it all night under a heat lamp feeding it kitten formula every 2 hours or so. It survived the evening but its still in such critical condition. Its eyes are still closed, it has no hair and it really struggles getting itself around. It had what looked to be small bite marks in its leg but even today those look better. It ranges from being incredibly active and curious to being absolutely still and practically lifeless. I'm very concerned about it but i don't know if I'm doing everything right. If i can get it through these next few days i think it will make it. Right now its hairless so I'm working very hard to provide heat for it without over-heating it. What would be too hot for it? when it starts to get its fur should i remove it from the heat sources or will it still need help keeping warm? It doesn't seem to want to take the kitten formula and when it does it only takes a few sips from the eye dropper but it occurred to me that maybe its tiny system doesn't need more than a few sips, or does it? Truth be known I'm stunned its made it through the night but i refuse to give up on it. Its a precious little life thats truly on the line right now. Is there anything else i can be doing? Im not concerned with the fact that its wild at all really. Its just so small. It cant be more then an inch long but its coloring has changed from yesterday. Its skin started getting some grey tints to it on its back which is consistant with my research of an aging rat in its first week. Is there a limit to how much i should be touching it? Whenever i see it struggling i help it turn over or move it to a safer spot. I know when theres a mother you're not supposed to touch it to excess but without a mother is that ok? It managed to survive an attack that the rest of its family did not so i know its a little fighter but i want to help it in any way i can. I would really appreciate any and all advice you have. Thank you for your time!

Oh boy....its so hard to keep them alive at this age, really it is. It takes alot of time and effort.  I appluad you for trying. Its really hard under 2 weeks of age.

That said, here is a website you can use to learn how to tend to the little precious baby.

Also dont worry about it being wild....there is NO WAY a baby like that can carry anything pathogenic to you at of course its unheard of for a rat to be rabid (how could it survive an attack from a rabid have seen first hand how they cannot survive an attack, period!)   I raised a wild rat from 11 weeks old till she was close to 4 yrs.  best rat I have ever ever had in my life!

Good luck!