Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > is my new baby rat sick?

is my new baby rat sick?

21 17:54:14

QUESTION: My husband brought me home a baby black and white hooded rat 2 days ago. He ordered him through a pet store. The day "Dexter" came in, my husband brought him home. Today he is making strange noises. He is sniffing normally. But he sounds congested inside and coughs now and then. Should I go to the vet or is this something that could pass? I'm guessing he is 5 weeks. The pet store said he was just taken from mom that day my husband brought him to me. I've been feeding him KAYTEE FORTI-DIET mouse, rat and hamster food, peas, carrots, corn, green leaf lettuce and piece of a dinner roll. I give him a little bowl in the afternoon (around 12-1pm)He spends time out of his little home (cage) a few3 times throughout the day for short periods and in the later evening 1 on 1 with me for about an hour or two.

ANSWER: I suggest a vet visit. He more than likely has a bit of an upper respiratory infection and its better to nip it in the bud now than to let it get worse. Also, I suggest switching his diet onto something primarily lab block based and keep the seed at a MINIMUM. The majority of the crud in Kaytee foods rats either won't or physically can't eat. Lab block should be free fed (meaning he should have a full bowl at ALL TIMES) and he should only get the veggies in small amounts a max of three times a week. Too much will give him runny, gross poo that can potentially dehydrate him.. just as in infants, diarrhea can lead to death pretty quickly. I also suggest getting him a buddy - follow quarantine procedure though - because rats are very, very social and to have one live alone is not only lonely, but leads you open to all sorts of behavioral issues.

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QUESTION: Thank you for the advice. After I read that I may not get an answer for a day or two, I went ahead and called my vet and got Dex in within an hour. He does have a respiratory infection and is on Tetracycline (Panmycin Aquadrops), 2-3 drops every 8 hrs for 10 days. It's been 24 hours and already I can tell a difference! I have noticed that he won't eat the Forti-Diet, he just hides it. Then he picks out What he likes. What is a good brand of food that you suggest exactly?

ANSWER: I mix my own foods, but if you're going to use anything from a store, I suggest using the Mazuri lab block mixed with either Reggie Rat or the rainbow colored ZuPreem rat diet. Make sure the Mazuri is the majority of his diet though; its healthier overall.

I'm glad Dexter is feeling better!

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QUESTION: Alright, last question (I think) for now. My husband brought home another baby rat yesterday for my son for his birthday. I noticed that "Dexter" does not have testicles like my sons rat does, so I am thinking "Dexter" is a she. I just want to be for sure. Are there any other characteristics I should look or be aware of to tell the difference in gender? We don't want babies yet! We are doing the whole quarantine thing also.

Well if you see no testicles, Dexter is probably a Dexterette.. they don't usually hide their little huevos for too long. To double check, flip Dexter over on his/her back and look at the difference in genitalia compared to the new baby. A boy will have a protruding penis up further on the belly, whereas a girl will have a smaller protruding vulva closer to her anus. When you palpate the stomach gently on either side of a suspected penis, you should be able to gently roll the skin back to expose their little penis too - be gentle though! - and like I said.. no testies.. probably a girl.