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21 17:26:56

hi my rats are about almost 4 months both girls unaltered and i have had

them for about 2 months. i am having the hardest time socializing them and

they still dont let me pet them. i have 2 major questions.

first i would like to know how you socialized your rats because i have tried so

many ways and they still dont like me. could you say very specifically not just

spend time with them or give them love because i do not know what that

means for spending time with them does it mean picking them up or waiting

in their play pen and what does giving love mean petting them holding them

what??? just very specific. i have already tried holding them everyday and that

didnt work because apparently it made them afraid of me so then i tried

feeding them and sitting in a play pen area and when they come up to me i

offer them treats like cheerios broccoli spaghetti whatever but lately and this

brings us to our second major question one rat has been taking the food

from me then running away back in her cage but the other one will take the

food then stay rigth by my hand but she will eat all the food then bite my

hand and it used to be just soft bites but then a week ago she broke the skin

what should i do?? im starting to become afraid of her because she is getting

more aggresive with food always looking for it how can i stop her from biting

me and i just want them to be comfortable around me because i see these

things where the rats just sit on your shoulder and stuff but how do you get

there i did over 3 months research on these rats before i got them but i

wasnt prepared for this. i was expecting a wonderful pet but now i see just

nervous little things that bite me please help me see these rats true potential.


Patience is key, Im sure you are sick of hearing this but that is really the key. Bellow Ill give you several methods to try to coax them out of their shell individually as, like people, rats have different personalities and prefaces.

You should Star by socialization them alone, sometimes another rat influences more than you know. If one rat is going to be afraid the other is too for its own safety. Sit in a small pen and remove the cage out of the equation but keep their house they sleep in in the pen with you so they have some sort of comfort. Next try to encourage the rat with treats. I hear you have a greedy rat and she takes the food and is harassing you for more and sometimes may bite, the best way to handle this is to Not offer food when she is being greedy. every time she try's to search you for food move her away and sit there until she looses interest. Next after she has calmed down reward her with the treat. Once they are taking food from you and they come looking for another treat but not so aggressively (more on the timid side)offer a treat and every time they come looking for a treat pull it closer to you until they are a few inches from you body. If they take this dont give them anything and hide treats in open socks or under cloth and put it on your leg or belly. if they come on to your body you have their trust for the most part and you can try to pick them up. once you start to pick them up make the sessions short. every time they allow you to pick them up reward them with a treat. after you are able to hold them for a few min at a time. try letting the two together in the pen with you.   

Hope this helps!

Emily Harris