Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > new biting rat!

new biting rat!

21 17:23:02

QUESTION: Hi, i bought my rat yesterday and today i was really pleased to see her exploring her cage up the different levels. When i first put her in i let her settle then put my hand flat on the cage floor and she sniffed and nibbled then ran off. Today when i tried again she didn't sniff and just bit and tried to hold on. I'm going to try your play pen idea tomorrow and get some cardboard boxes. iv got gardening gloves too and now started putting my hand in flat with these on and she has tore them to pieces. shes only 9 weeks old and the pet shop owner told me she was pretty tame. I'm thinking of buying the rat she was living with in the pet shop as i wasn't told to keep them in pairs, will this help? I'm so nervous of doing things wrong and just want a friendly pet for once!

ANSWER: She will stop when she learns to trust you. I am happy you read my critter city site. Following what I said to do will make a huge difference.  Do not use gloves though, or she wont learn your scent in order to trust you and in fact, this will confuse her because she wont know who you are if you cover your hands up.  Dont force her out of the cage, dont chase her or corner her to pick her up etc... let her come to you.  She will, it just takes patience. A soft voice is important, and repeating to her a few words each time helps too.  I have new baby boys and when they get scared and run to their cage and peek out at me, I say in a soft voice, "Its ok!"  and over my hand for them to sniff while I say "Come" and also call them by name as well.  Now, after a few weeks, they climb up my shirt or tug on my shirt for attention. I sit inside their playpen with them every day and they prefer climbing all over me as the biggest attraction in their play area!  Getting her a cagemate will help her feel more secure and less lonely in the cage.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi, i took my rat back to the shop because it was pregnant and i didn't have a clue what to do with it! that explains all the biting i guess lol.
Iv bought two new baby boys today there absolutely brilliant climbing up me already and letting me hold them and stroke them i couldn't be happier =) they keep having fights though is this normal lol. I'm assuming its just play fighting but it looks pretty intense haha. there from the same shop and cage so they've been together for ages. and they love their play area!

Boys are great fun too.  Your right, the wrestling looks intense but its sheer fun for them!  My boys climb up me like I am a big jungle gym or something.  Check out my webpage WATCH MY BABIES GROW to see the crazy babies.

I am sorry your girl did not work out for you.  Its best you brought her back if she was pregnant, this would be totally over whelming for a new rat owner.  Shame on the pet store for selling you a pregnant girl!