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My Rat is extremely sick...

21 17:02:53

My rat is 2 yrs old and started getting a growth on her chest. I thought it may be an abscess because it was soft (squishy) and was hoping in would relieve itself as I had read that it usually does. It got bigger over a 6 month period (the size of walnut) and still didn't relieve itself. She still ran around acting playful, ate like normal and drank plenty. This last Sat. she was still acting fine and then on Sunday she wasn't able to walk. She is very lifeless and struggles just to adjust her position. She has lots of porphyrin from her eyes and nose and the growth seems to be getting bigger rapidly by the day (now its the size if a golf ball!) Its still very soft, like its a huge sack. Anyhow she basically she just lays there! I can give her water from the bottle and she does drink it. I offer her food but she kind of just chews it and doesn't seem to eat it.
This is just killing me because I cannot afford a vet bill to have her put to sleep (I priced it and they want over 200 dollars to do it!!!) Do you have any suggestions on how I can put her to sleep painlessly at home with something I may have on hand in my home??? Also I had read that its possible to relieve an abcsess at home. (if that's what it is) What do you think? PLEASE help if you can!!!

I appreciate  any help you can give me!! My daughters and I just love her so much!!

sounds like a tumor, and abscess would have relieved its self already, it could be a very soft tumor. but if you want her to be put down at home. the only way I know of is by buying dry Ice. Here is a link of an article that will tell you how to do it at home step-by-step. its near the bottom of the page.