Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > ratty isnt as enthusiastic as before...

ratty isnt as enthusiastic as before...

21 17:44:03

hi! am wondering if you can please give me advice on my pet rattie pinky... i bought her and her 'sister' taxi as babies from a pet shop around 3-4 months ago and pinky has always been the dominant, crazy one, wanting to be wherever i was, jumping all over me and wanting a piece of whatever i was eating, but recently she has had less interest in food and is chilling out in her hidey-holes a lot more than she used to... she is still eating what i offer her (and from their food bowl) but with less enthusiasm than before. she seems to have lost a bit of weight and almost feels 'squishy' when i pick her up, and her coat is not as shiny as it was before. her feet feel colder than they used to. i have also noticed that she/they seem to be drinking more water than usual... i feed them a combination of several different store-bought pellet/seed/grain mixes and lots of fresh fruit/veges (plus the occasional treat!) any suggestions you have would be greatly appreciated... thankyou from pinky, taxi and me :)

Hi Laura

First of all, stop with the pet store see mixes. These are loaded with proteins and fats that are very taxing on the kidneys and have found to promote kidney problems, especially in older rats. As your rats liquid intake increases, does the output of urine also increase or has it remained the same?

I am concerned that the "squishy" feeling you feel she has may be water retention which is why I asked about her urine habits. Its hard for me to get a real visual since I cannot see her and examine her myself.

SHe is still young for kidney problems if it is from diet, but if it is genetic it would not be unusual for her to show signs of it now.

Please refer to my website about proper diet and why the pet store mixes are no good for your rats and you will find other ideas to feeding using low protein rat foods etc...

Let me know about her urine habits for starters and also check to see if her skin has a yellow cast to it or if it appears normal.

hang in there
