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unhandled 6 week old pet rats

21 17:53:12

im getting two female pet rats from my local pet shop which were bred but they have not ever been handled by her or anyone, ive bought them already but there not home, ive been stroking them a little they seem very skittish and jump very easily wen i move quick they dont run away they do let me stroke them but there just very frightend will they be easy to tame they havent bit me but one nibbled me a little i read tho thats a sign of affection am i correct.
so please help.
can them tame very easy at this age now?
is nibbling a sign of affection?

Nibbling is fine - biting is not. Make sure you don't let them bite down too hard, even accidently. Right at this point, they're still very shy and wary of you because they simply don't know. They'll tame down just fine! I adopted a rat who had been living in someone's backyard (he was domestic, just an escapee at a young age) and he tamed down in a matter of months. Keep trust training them, letting them come to you and rewarding them with fun treats and non-stressful situations.

For more advice on trust training, I'd recommend you ask the expert Sandra Todd in this same category. She is a GOD at rat training!