Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > rat abscess or tumour

rat abscess or tumour

21 17:47:30

QUESTION: My son's 3 year old pet male rat recently [in last 2 days] developed what looks like an approximately 1/4 inch diameter raised rough scabby round thing just below his ear. It's not oozing, it doesn't seem to hurt him. His behaviour is normal, eating, pooping, etc. got any ideas besides warm compresses [if its an abscess] or vet visit [in case its a tumour]. Its dark brown w/ an irregular flattish surface. Thanks a million. Taco is a big part of our family..

ANSWER:   You can apply neosporin on it in a thin layer.

Is there a lump under it? Do you notice a pit or crater in the center?
Is the dark brown a scab or the color of the flesh? Is the surface smooth or rough?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: When I went to look furthur at it; there was no crater in the center but I ppushed on the brown [darker than his flesh colour] scabby thing and it erupted w/ white cheesy stuff around most of its edges, the 'scab' peeled back and when I tried to pull it off he was clearly in pain. So I left it there. Underneath appears to be a rather deep , pus filled pocket w/ some pink flesh exposed. I filled it w/ triple antibiotic ointemnt. How can I keep him from eating the ointment, and/or cleaning it off? Is there more I could do? Thankyou, thankyoiu, Taco and our family our forever indebted to your generous wisdom and time, Lois [for Gabriel]

ANSWER: I had a feeling....usually under the scab there is pus.  You really need to get that out for him.  You can use plain saline solution or warm clear water and just pour it in the hole, using a dropper. You need to push it again and express the rest out.  He will clean it if he can reach it and its ok, its expected actually. Also, the neosporin wont hurt if it has time to absorb in but either way it wont hurt him if he eats it.  

I would continue to clean it or it can get really ugly. There may be a foul odor so beware.
Dont use peroxide, no matter how tempting it is. This will damage delicate tissue around the area and he will cry from the sting.
Clean it clean it clean it! This is key!

It will close up and be gone once all the funk is out. Promise!!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks; 15 later he'd eaten the scab off [ewewww] so I ended up putting some sterile saline in a spray bottle and going at it, It looks like a pretty deep pocket. Taco wasn't sohappy with that little process. Then I covered it again w/ abx ointment which he promptly cleaned off. Mother Nature at work no doubt he'll keep it clean. I plan to reapply ointment and rinse w/ saline twice a day. If you've got a different suggestion let me know. Otherwise, thanks a million...Lois [aka Taco's fairy godmother]

Give it another press, see if more pus comes out. The pressure from the pus is what also is responsible for pain.

Once you put the antibiotic ointment in there, try to keep him busy for a few minutes while it absorbs. 5 to 10 minutes is all you need to retain him for but even that isnt necessary if he still licks will absorb  anyhow.

good  luck