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Bonding with my three new rats

21 17:06:24

My partner and I recently bought three male dumbo rats for the purpose of keeping me company while he's working away, we bought a fairly large enclosure for them to run around in and accessories to go with it such as bedding and chews. Since we got the rats none of them seem interested in me in the slightest, I've tried feeding them treats from my hand (which they bite) to talking to them through the bars and using and old pair of gloves to pet them (so as to avoid having my fingers gnawed off) everything I try fails as two of them bite, one of them quite viciously, and the other seems to be very shy. I even tried rat proofing the living room and leaving the cage door open for them to explore in their own time but they weren't interested at all. We got them from a pet store not a breeder, which I understand can affect the behaviour of the rats, I'm trying my best to understand that, being in a new home, they will be a little skittish but I'm getting a little frustrated. They do come to me when I talk to them, if only to bite me. Is there anything I'm doing wrong? Thank you for your help :)  

Hi Cassy

 Gloves keep the rats from getting to learn your scent and also make the rat feel unsure about you since they cant pick up on your scent. I would toss the gloves.  Do they seem to bite you when they are in the cage, out of the cage, or both?  Note the pattern.

How old are they?

Please refer to my page,  I may have a broken link so if it doesnt work, simply type in Critter city in the search bar and it should bring up my site. Refer to the page on trust training rats.  I trained a very aggressive wild female rat in a week or less, and she became my best rat ever.