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Loud noise

21 17:30:23

My eldest rat Sabbath is only about 6 months old. He used to be completely silent, and you could only here him breathe if he was next to your ear. Lately he has been making like a purring, kinda squeaking, weird sound when he breathes. I dont know if it is normal and i am paranoid or if it something to do with his lungs.


Hi Joel

Sorry for the delay. I get up to 20 questions a day and sometimes they get lost in the email.  

That said, how are things going with the rat?  It sounds like Sabbath may have a respiratory infection brewing and will need medicaton from the Vet.  If you dont have a good vet that is skilled with rats, let me know and I will happily give you some names.

BTW, a bit off topic, I had a black cat named Sabbath (ok I am an 80s girl, I admit ! LOL) yes as in.....Black Sabbath! Currently I have a black cat named Spawn......I think this tells alot about my black cats.  LOL

ANyhow please let me know how things are going.  Hang in there!