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Rat lip injury; separating from lower teeth

21 17:06:08

I just noticed that my rat's lower lip seems to be pulled down a bit, so that there is a separation between her teeth lower lip that is not normally there. The area also appears to be a little red, but there is no visible bleeding. Her teeth are properly aligned. So, that can be ruled out as the issue/injury. She is eating, but does seem a little more sluggish than normal. I will take her to the vet as soon as I am able to get an appointment, but I would just like to know if you or anyone else has ever experienced a similar problem, or has any ideas of how I can alleviate her pain before we can get to the vet.
Thanks so much for your time & help. It is much appreciated!

Feed her baby foods, soft scrambled eggs, and yes, she needs her teeth clipped back. She probably has malocclusion. The vet can check to be sure there are no tumors etc..that are causing the teeth to do this.
If its not from anything visible, it is probably from birth. Malocclusion is NOT from not chewing on hard items etc....rats do NOT need to grind their own teeth down. Chewing their food is enough since their teeth literally act like scissors. Also, bruxing is another way rats grind their teeth back.

Let me know how it goes.