Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Somethings wrong with her :(

Somethings wrong with her :(

21 17:44:17

QUESTION: My rats name is Mama Cass,
She is a year and six months old,
She has been having what looks like seizures,
But a little while ago she spat out a peanut and it had what faintly looked like blood on it,
but she has been laying around allot yesterday and today,
And she has no energy at all,
I had to take a piece of food from her mouth when she started shaking,
As well as she now stumbles when she walks and has bad balance,
As well as there is alot of what looks like blood around one of her nostrils and she has been sneezing quite a bit,
What could be wrong with her?
Thanks so much for your time, its greatly appreciated

Porphyrin discharge around eyes
Porphyrin discharge ar  
ANSWER: Sounds like she has an inner ear infection with a respiratory infection on top of ii all.  The blood you see around her nostrils is called porphyrin and it is seen often when a rat is stressed due to illness or stress from a new move, new cagemate or loss of a cagemate etc... It also can be seen in the eyes as well. It is produced by a gland the harderian gland which is located behind the rats eyes.
         CHeck out the photo and see if this is the same thing your rat had around her nose.

Do you have a vet for her because I do think she needs to see someone to check her over and make sure she is ok.

Let me know!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Yes that is what it looked like,
I found out tha2t she had an anurism though,
And she passed away today,
She had what looked like a heart attack today and convulsed,
Im just glad she no longer has to feel pain.

May she rest at peace.

ANSWER: I lost my boy to the same thing in January.

Who told you that is what it was?

I am so sorry...but at least she is better now

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: her vet told me,
was quite saddening,
but she was getting old

Dodger and Griffin and youngsters
Dodger and Griffin and  
My boy was the same age when it happened. I found him laying there very still, and he would shake and have seizures and just fall asleep again.

I tested him and he pretty much was brain dead as we drove to the vets to have him put down.  When we got there the vet confirmed he was brain dead and at least he had no idea what was going on. He was FINE the day before.  He was only 18 months which isnt that old really considering they live to be 3 years old. I have had rats live to be close to 4 years old. Age is a number only. These rats can get sick fast and die or they can be healthy and live longer than we could ever hope for.

Its sad...I know.

Here is a photo of him.  He was the all white one. His name was Griffin.:(