Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > dry, patchy tail

dry, patchy tail

21 17:49:17

my rat has patches on his tail where the scales have fallen off.its extremely dry and crusty. most of the scales or skin rather that he has left on his tail is mostly brown. Should i be concerned and if so, what should i do?


ANSWER: Hi Alicia

Sometimes the rats tail can develop a little fungal infection. It would help if you bought some anti fungal cream which is sold over the counter in the same section as antibiotic ointments and athletes foot remedies etc...are usually sold. Was the tail off gently using a soft babys toothbrush and brush toward the way the fine hairs grow. They are not scales btw, its just really fine hair :D
You can use oatmeal soap for the tail or even ivory soap, but something mild. Dry it good and apply the anti-fungal.  Let me know how it looks in a few days. As long as there are no open sores or lumps or any kind of discharge or pus from any sores should heal just fine.

Hope this helps!


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Now, will the antifungal cream hurt him if he tries to lick it off or no? I'm just concerned that it will make him more sick. thank you!

More sick? Is he acting sick now?

Rub it in well and keep him busy for a bit so it can absorb and do its job.

To answer you if it will hurt him to lick it off: No, it will not hurt him or I would never have advised you to use it on him if it was going to cause any harm to him!