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Wanda at the vet

21 17:41:46



Sorry it wouldn't let me reply to your answer so had to send a new one, sent the pic too to remind you which rats we're talking about!

"water infection" means urinary tract infection. The vet said if she didn't perk up in a few days to take her back for more tests but she fine today!

One more question...When Simba (the male) gets excited running around, he makes a noise like a guinea pig! His chest is clear as I asked the vet if she would quickly listen for me. Is this normal? It's only when he's excited and it's exactly like a guinea.


Amanda x

They are precious........and water one to me but hey, makes sense.  LOL

The noise he makes when excited is probably coming from his nasal passages. His histamine levels rise during excitement and this may trigger a response like an allergy type thing, complete with swollen nasal passages. Does he sneeze during this time too?