Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > My 2 year old rat

My 2 year old rat

21 17:47:19

QUESTION: Hi there,

I am really hoping that you can help me with this...
I have a 2 year old pet fancy rat with what seems to be a growth on the right side of her face, right around where the lymph node would be. She still appears to be eating fine, and her behaviour hasn't changed. When I touch the "growth", it doesn't seem to bother her in the least, but it feels soft to the touch, like mushy almost.
Any idea what it could be?

ANSWER: Sounds like an abscess. How long has she had it and did it just come out of the blue? Is there a scab on it or a pit or crater in the center of it?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I actually just noticed it this morning when i was feeding her, so yes, it did just come out of the blue. What can I do for it?

ANSWER: Start by holding a warm wet compress on it or else fill a sock with rice and put it in the microwave for a few seconds to get it warm. TRY to hold it on the lump even for a few minutes a few times a day.
If it is indeed an abscess it will eventually come to a head. You may need to help express the pus from it should this occur. Gently press under the base of the lump and give it a gentle squeeze. Beware that a very nasty pus may come out and it may smell. Note the color which may be green or white and thick like tooth paste. I sounds gross, and it is, which is why we need to clean it all out of there.
Once it does pop open, you will need to clean it out. You can use saline solution or very diluted betadine or simply clean warm water...NEVER peroxide.  THis damages tissues.  Take a dropper or a cotton ball and squeeze the cotton ball over the open wound to get the water into the open sore.  Pat it dry and fill it up with antibiotic ointment, like neosporin.  Do this a few times a day till it finally starts to close up. It will eventually close up and be gone but it may fill up with pus again and you may again have to clean it out.

Let me know if it indeed comes to a head...after a few days, if not, let me know

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I just wanted to send you an update, as asked.
It was very difficult to hold her still to apply a warm compress, but on sunday morning, I noticed that the pouch had indeed come to a head...almost scab-like. I Started to gently squeeze the abcess and out came a thick greenish yellow pus. It looks great now, and still doesn't seem to be bothering her at all.

Thanks for the help!


Thanks for the update. I had a feeling that is what it was and it was even thick and greenish yellow as I predicted.  Ewww!  I wish I wasnt right about that part but unfortunately with infection comes nasty odors and more!  It takes a strong stomach at times.  Be sure to clean that out for her even just once or twice. Just to rinse it out with clean water and add some antibiotic ointment. If not, it may fill up with bacteria again. Rats are famous for abscesses because of the normal flora found on their skin, like humans. We both carry many strains of staphs and even some streps and if a rat scratches herself with her sharp claws and there just so happens to be a nasty bug hanging out that gets into the skin....there you have it: Abscess!

Glad its taken care of!!  Thanks for letting me know!