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My Pet Rat is poorly

21 17:02:22

I've had my pet rat Skipper for three years now but the last few days her behaviour is not the same as before. She is not lively or eating much or chewing her rolls like before. Does this mean she might be dieing? She seems quite sad!

I am sad about your rat.  Its hard to say what is wrong but you are right to assume that if she is acting different, something is not right with her.  SHe has lived a nice long life for a rat, though, and possibly she may be starting her decline downhill. Do try hard to have her drink as much as she can, because rats can dehydrate very easily.  Even a bit of juice on a small flat lid or dish so she can lick it is good, or some baby food such as applesauce or fruit to lick. Do you have a vet?  It could be something like an infection and all she needs is some medication to perk her up.  I have had rats live to be 4 years old so 3 years old is not always the end.