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Bleeding female rat

21 17:36:29

Hi, I have a female pet rat, and iv discovered she has been bleeding recently. It started a few weeks back but it was only a little bit that lasted about 3 days, now she has, what looks like a blood clot which has formed into a bubble type thing coming out of her birth cannel and it has been there for about 3 days now. I have no idea what it is. Please help. Jenny.

 If there's no chance she's been with a male, it is likely a prolapsed uterus.  The only way to correct this is with surgery, and it most likely will become infected and harm her further if action isn't taken very soon.

 If there is a chance she may have been pregnant, it could be a baby that is stuck or a placenta, but if the bleeding started a few weeks ago she would probably be very ill by now if that were the case.

 Either way, she needs to get to a vet right away.  I hope she gets better soon, good luck!