Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > My rats foot is swollen, how can I treat it?

My rats foot is swollen, how can I treat it?

21 17:33:17

QUESTION: Hi I have a male Hooded fancy rat. I noticed when i took him out of his cage this weekend that he was not putting any pressure on his right rear leg and it is very swollen (about three times its normal size)  and reddish in color. I have been trying to find a way to treat him until I can get him to an experienced small animals vet. He is approximately 18-20 months old. Any suggestions are appreciated.

He was in a cage with a wire/mesh bottom, since my discovery I have transferred him to a different cage without the wire/mesh cage bottom.

his leg looks exactly like the one in this link


ANSWER: I had someone write to me yesterday about the same thing and ironically I asked her to compare the same photo as you sent me.

I havent heard back but it is indeed an infection.  Like I told the other writer it ofetn comes on out of the blue which means its an active nasty infection.  Aside from trying to get him to soak it, its more important to get oral meds in him before the infection begins to involve the bone which we want to avoid at all costs or it could become dangerous for the rat.

You can give him infants/childrens motrin as per his weight and keep him on a very soft padded surface but again, antibiotics are the only thing he needs to get on and soon.  Do you have an exotic vet or just a vet that is a genaral DVM that sees exotics?  If you need help finding one let me know and I can give you some names of vets in your area that see rats.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I am moving to Virginia Beach next week, do you have any listings of DVM's that see exotics or an exotic vet in that area?


There are two really good places that treat exotics. The vets there are not certified exotics but those that do treat exotics including rats have extensive training in exotics and have attended workshops keep up with the latest info in exotic medicine.  I would call each place and ask if they have the facilities to care for rats in situations such as if they need oxygen and nebulizer treatment or overnight care etc...if they can accommodate the rat in these situations.

I am going to say that YES, esp the first choice, as they do state they have state of the art equipment to treat exotics.

First choice:

Virginia Beach Veterinary Hospital    
2013 Pleasure House Road
Virginia Beach VA 23455
Phone:    757-460-3308


Pet Care Veterinary Hospital     
5201-A Virginia Beach Blvd
Virginia Beach VA 23462
Phone:    757-473-0111