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Remy doing clicking like sounds...

21 17:37:04

Hi Sandra...I've written you before about my boy Remy. He started to make these clicking-like sounds so he's been on baytril and doxy for 6 weeks, the clicking sounds didn't totally go away but it sure has mellowed down. I went to see a different exotic vet to get a second opinion, and she said that Remy needs to get off the antibiotics because his lungs were fine and that he should just use it when he needs it. She told me that keeping Remy on antibiotics for long term would be my decision. After going to the vet, I've been using doxy again for about 2 weeks now but the clicking sounds hasn't been totally gone, it comes and goes. What do you think is the best thing to do? Continue using doxy with baytril or just baytril? Or does he need to be nebulized with albuterol? I have some ventolin nebules at hand (2.5 mg, Remy weighs 1lb & 7.3 oz). He's never had any respiratory distress or any gasping/panic attacks...he acts perfectly normal, but I'm really concerned about the sounds he's making...I hope he's fine. I want him to get better because we're going to move next year.  Thanks for reading this.

Much thanks,

I would for sure nebulize him with the baytril and try to get this under control.  Once he is stable I would put him on daily doses of baytril for the rest of his life. I have had to do that with my rats and also clinic rats and it really helps prevent relapse, but there is a chance of secondary infection that is unrelated to the myco, such as pneumonia, and those are the times you would need to use something else stronger. Sorry it took so long to get to wouldnt believe how many letters I get now, I may start to accept just 10 per day. If you need me for an emergency reach me at my own email at and put in the subject that your Phoebe from allexperts and I will write back right away.  For other people reading this please do not bombard my personal email unless I give you the address myself. I will only answer questions through allexperts unless otherwise indicated.