Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > reply


21 17:38:00

QUESTION: Thanks for the fast reply

I have not noticed any heavey breathing.
But you can see her breath while she is sleeping.
Cory said that she curles into a ball when she sleeps...
But she is just laying out flat.
I called my exwife to get more info about their vet.
She said the Vet that removed the tumor is Dr Jones and they was told that is is an expert.
But is currantly out of town for a funeral.
my ex said that she also uses another Vet that is open today. They fixed a broken hand on one of the rats before.
Its called Woodland West Animal Hospitol.
I going to take her now. But I would still like to see the list of experts in my area if you can email it to me.


ANSWER: I dont have you location but if it is OK, and this is the correct Dr. Jones, he is NOT an exotics specialist, but he sees exotics. Just the type of vet to steer clear of in serious situations that he is not prepared nor qualified to handle. Please let me know your location.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I live near Tulsa Oklahoma


THere are just three clinics in the entire state that see exotic animals. CHeck out the link and see if they are near you, which I do believe one of them is. These vets are exotic vets that may or may not be board certified but have a special interest in exotics and have taken extra courses, gone to continued education seminars keep up to date on exotics.  Dr. Jones and the name of the clinic you gave me earlier is not a part of this association mainly because of lack of qualifications.  I would check out the vets that are qualified to see rats or its a waste of money and time the rat doesnt have.