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Urine question

21 17:45:44

Hi.  I'm hoping you can help me.  I have a female pet rat that is about 2 years old now.  She has been very good in health but I noticed yesterday when I went to get her out of her cage there was a strong smell of amonia where she does her urine.  I've never noticed this before.  Her diet is pasta, chicken, fresh fruit and vegetables, couple of little dog biscuits for her teeth, and now and then a sweet treat. I'm hoping that someone might have a reason for this change in her.  Thanks so much.... Deb."

Hi Deb

How is her water intake? Do you notice a darker color to her urine at all?

This is the age where kidneys are starting to answer to the way they were treated the past two years: from kidney disease to diabetes to urinary tract infections to simply having more acidic urine, even hormones from menopause that takes place around 18 months and up can cause changes like this.

Keep an eye out for her water intake and note if she is going more than usual and also has  damp fur more than usual too.  Also note if she is going less frequently than before. Be sure to check in her genital area for any discoloration of her fur too, which will tell you if  she is going alot because it will stain her fur if the fur is lighter in color.

Please let me know the few things I asked about above and we can go from there.