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skin reaction to holding rats

21 17:45:44

Hi Sandra,
Sorry I haven't responded in a 16 yr. old Chihuahua finally passed away about a month ago. Also, I lost one of my female berks to old age and respiratory illness. Another female rex is not doing well at all and I don't think she'll be around much longer either. It's so depressing although I know it is just part of the living process. Anyway, as usual, I have another question for you. My oldest daughter is visiting my sister in Virginia Beach & she owns two blue females that receive the ultimate in care. My daughter called this evening saying that my brother-in-law will not allow her to handle the rats now because her skin became red, itchy & bumpy where the rats ran around on her. My skin does this also every time I hold my rats. I assumed it was due to the sharp toe nails as I am not the best at keeping them neatly manicured. My brother-in-law claims it is an allergic reaction (skin flares) & will not let her handle them because he fears that she will advance to a stage where she cannot breathe. I believe that my daughter has simply inherited my sensitive skin. What is your opinion on this ? I hope you are doing well. Once again, I thank you in advance for your assistance.

Hi Beth

Absolutely this is so common you wouldnt believe it. What it is caused by is the urine that is getting on our skin. The rats nails cause scratches and the rats urine gets onto the open scratches and we go nuts itching. Their toenails are so sharp, they actually cut our skin and we dont even realize it. This opens the skin to allergens the rats carry on their feet, which is usually the urine that we react to.  
It has alot to do with the protein in their urine.

When I first started keeping rats, my skin reacted to the rats constantly. Anytime I held them, my skin developed an itchy rash that would welt up and itch like crazy.

I dont do this all the time but once in a while I have a reaction and welt up, usually on my arms and inner wrists and even my neck if they go up there on my shoulder.

Wash up good with soap and water and apply some cortisone and thats it....its nothing major to worry about and cannot trigger some sort of  anaphylactic shock. Actually the problem resolves itself. Its like an immunity to it develops over time. If not, just wear long sleeves when holding the ratties.

Hope this helps!