Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Nimh


21 17:48:35

QUESTION: Hi Sandrea,
Michelle here again. I've e-mailed you a few times regarding my rat Nimh. She had a large lump and I had her in for surgery for it today. Unfortunately she didn't make it. The vet said she came through the surgery well but she passed away in recovery. He said her heart stopped and they tried to revive her but she was gone. Just wanted to let you know.
Thanks again for all the advice and help.

ANSWER: Oh my gosh

I am sitting her with tears just POURING down my face.
I dont want to ever ever ever advise anyone into doing surgery on their rats again now.

I am so sorry she didnt make it. In fact that is pretty unusual that she would pass away in recovery. VERY unusual.

I know she was over 2 but...

I just feel horrible right now:(

I just went back over all of our messages about Nimh...and I now feel a bit better. From the way it sounded, she was very miserable and you had thought of putting her down anyhow, so you did give her a chance first, which I always feel is important. However, I am still so shocked. I am just not used to this happening because we do so many surgeries on rats that old that work out fine. Even older rats or rats that are sick with heart disease or lung disease.

I dont know what else to say. I am just so heart is broken for you.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Sandra,
My goodness, I didn't mean to upset you. I'm glad I gave her the chance with the surgery. There is no blame what so ever here. I'm glad I did what I did.
The vet said she did very well during the surgery but during recovery her heart just stopped. He guessed it was just too much for her. Also keep in mind that I live in Newfoundland and rat surgery is not considered routine here, but I did find a new vet who has experience and seems informed.
Thanks again so much for the advice. I was really much happier with my decision of giving her every chance.

On another note, I'm considering buying 2 more rats. I started out with 6 and have lost 2. When I lost the first one I made the decision that I was done, once the rest were gone I wasn't getting anymore. It's just so hard, but now I'm thinking of getting more again. The only place I can find rats here are at the pet stores and unfortunately they are not in the greatest conditions or health. They are shipped from Quebec and are in wood shavings. They all tend to have some sort of problem especially breathing problems. My first rat Smoke had seizures and passed away a few months ago, and then Nimh with her lump. Also every rat I've had has went to the vent within a couple of weeks with sneezing and/or breathing problems. One also had an ear infection and was actually flipping over. I'm just wondering if you know of any rat breeders in my area or anything I can do or look for when buying a rat from the pet stores?

Thanks for making me feel better....but I did feel so badly about the fact that she passed during recovery. I dont see that often...unless the rat really is high risk. When my girl Holly had the mammoth tumor removed from her (I was taking her in to put her to sleep and the vet and I just couldnt do it because she still had so much spark left) but she was skin and bones and so weak but kept trying to we said to heck with it...lets do it, she was going to be put down anyhow!  So with a 5 percent chance of MAKING IT, and a 90 minute surgery including some blood loss from a highly vascular tumor, she LIVED and even lived many more months afterwards.  I guess I just really expect a happy ending every time or at least wish for it, but thats not being very professional. I should know better. :(

As for rat rescues: I do not know Canada for squat. I slept through geography class in school. What are you near? In other words, are you near Toronto or....

Also, if you have to get a rat from the petstores...the younger the better. This way, you can get them off the lousy pine litter they use and get them on the proper diet needed the youngest you can. Also of course, look for rats that are not hiding and terrified unless of course your like me and tend to go for the underdog and adopt the most pathetic one. I always have gone for the really scared ones first thinking they would be left behind the most and it works out with alot of love and some trust training.  ALso, check for clear eyes and ears, nice clean fur, no scabs and of course NO sounds of congestion. As for sneezing, they may not sneeze at the store till they come home which is almost always the case lately.  Reason for this is they are clearing out their nasal passages from inhaling that lousy pine and the phenol oils in it. However, the sneezing should not come along with chest congestion or you have a sick rat on your hands.
If this occurs of course the first thing to do is get the rat on medication for 30 days.   
Also with rats that your looking for, be sure there are no lumps and bumps, their bottoms are free of feces and they should NOT be kept with males. A decent pet store should keep males and females apart.
Our Petsmart in one town sells all female rodents and across town the other one sells all males. THis way there is no room for error!

THe rat with the ear infection and the flipping and circle walking...did she or he recover?  This sounds like typical inner ear infection and they lose their balance due to the pressure on the 8th cranial nerve which controls the equilibrium.  Steroids and antibiotics usually take care of that.

ANyhow, hope this helps....and thank you for making me feel better...and also please let me know what your close to so I can better find a rescue OR a breeder for you!  THere are plenty in Canada but I dont know how far they are from you!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks Sandra,
Unfortunately I am no where near Toronto or anything else big for that matter. Newfoundland is an island on the east coast of Canada. I live just outside the city of St. John's which is on the east end of the island. As far east as you can go. I doubt there are any breeders or rescues here.
I am going to the pet stores over the weekend for a look though so I'll keep your advice in mind. It's funny I know I should pick the healthiest ones but I tend to go for the smallest or ones that I feel drawn to.
Lucy is doing fine now. She was the one with the ear nfection. I took her to the vet and she got some meds. She's good but she's very timid and I think she may have been partly blind as well but she's my girl and she's doing good.
Again thanks

Please let me know how it goes.....and good luck!


I found rat rescue in New Foundland!!!!  She wants to reach you so here is her email. Please let me know if you read this or not! Thanks!

Here is the info from her

"I am from Newfoundland and can possibly help!"