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Ill pet rat

21 17:54:29


Today I found my female rat Emily in the corner of her cage, unable to move much at all. She will not eat or drink. She is obviously stressed and has porphyrin accumulating around her eyes.

I have called (literally) every veterinarian in the area and no one sees rats. I can hardly believe it. If I need travel, I will do so.

In the meantime, what can I do for her?

I wish I had a way to reach through this computer and treat her.

Let me know your city and state and the cities surrounding you...I can find you a vet that sees rats with of course as you said, the understanding you may need to drive even an hour out for one. I think its so ridiculous there is such a lack of vets that see our fuzzlets.  
I will keep checking back for your response. She sounds pretty sick and should be seen as soon as today if possible.
Hang in there.

I didnt help you?

That is because there is nothing that can be done for a rat that is so ill she cannot move, drink nor eat other than take her to the vet, which you said you had NONE!!!!!!!
You said that  there was no vet in your area for her and I was only trying to help you find one.  

You said I didnt help you at all yet You tell me your rat is very sick can hardly move eat nor drink and you have no vet to see her and what can you do for you? You can take her to the vet, like I suggested, and TRIED to help you find one.
Instead, you said I was of no help. I have no idea what you feed your rat, what her living conditions are, if she has been sick before or have had sick cagemates, if she is old or young or fat or under weight or if she has problems breathing or any of that and yet you said I didnt help you? I cant do anything sitting behind a computer monitor but help you find a vet, which you said you did not have.

Hopefully your rat gets the proper care she needs and gets to feeling well soon. Good luck!!!!!!!!