Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > injury


21 17:26:13


my rat ran under my foot before during play time and i accidnetaly stood on what i thought was maybe her tail. She squeaked really loudly and ran off and hid, i called her after and stroked her and she seemed fine. About 10 minutes later she began squeaking somewhere in the room, i found her and she was behaving strangley, walking around then jumping and squeaking as if being startled. She got back in the cage and i keot an eye on her and left the door open. Since this happen for the past hour she has been jumping and squeaking every so often, and has been behaving unusually.

I am really worried, my partner seems to think she could be in shock but she seemed fine after it happened it was only a few minutes later that she began to act like this.

Do you have any idea what could of happened, if she is suffering from shock and what the best course of action should be?



Sounds like she was and maybe still is in pain.  Shock, no. WHen in shock they do not move.

Do you have a vet? If not, please allow me to help you find one. Let me know your location and I will happily find a vet for you, no obligation of course.   The best course of action is to have her checked out. SHe may have something broken.