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my rat has an infection

21 17:43:38

my rat recently got into a fight with another rat. i wasnt to conserned about the wound, so i cleaned it and he seemed to be doing fine. Three days later he is making noise when he breathes and eating alot less. I took him to the vet she said he has and infection and is very sick. ive been giving him the medicine and water through the injector but i dont know how to make him eat ive been putting fruits and treats in the cage to see if he wants them but hes still eating very little im worried i clean his wound every few hours but i dont know if im doing enough.

Offer soft foods - mashed up banana, high protein baby food, softened kibble or lab block, etc. - and see if that works. Otherwise, it's up to him for the most part. Try not to over-clean the wound.. it needs to scab up and heal, not stay open constantly.