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Toffee update

21 17:26:31

Hi sandra.

This will be toffee third one. She is about 2 years old. It is under her left front
leg. Last time she had one under right front leg and near her back end
mammory gland. It still feels quite small and encapsulated but a bit deeper on
than last 2.. She is getting a bit chubby too. Vicky  


I cannot tell you what to do...  I would be a bit leary about the third surgery.  At this point, its just going to be happening every few months now.  You can remove this one and a few months from now, another appears, and another.  Its a non stop estrogen surge that is to blame. Unless the estrogen production is halted, these tumors are going to grow again and again and again.  I hate to sound like a spoil sport but I know you dont want Toffee to spend her golden years being cut open, healing, cut open, healing again and blah blah blah.  Is the tumor in an area where it will drag on the ground?