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21 17:24:10

QUESTION: My boyfriend has had his female rat for 3 years now.  and just recently we've notice that her lady parts are bleeding a lot.  we dont know when it started but its been 2 days now, and the bleeding comes and goes.  she seems to be acting a little strange, walking slowly, sleeping alot, and breathing heavy.       
we know rats have a life expectancy of 3 years, but we just want to make sure, and to see if theirs anything we can do for her. thank you

ANSWER: They can live even longer and in fact, she has beat the life expectancy by about 6 months or more already.  The life span of a rat, normally, a domesticated one that is, is around 2 to 2.5 years of age. However, with the better care people are learning about these days, they are living to be 3 and even older, up to 4 years old.  My oldest boy who just died a few weeks ago was 3 weeks into his 4th year of life and never sick a day of it till the last few days of his life.  My oldest girl was 3 and a half and had vaginal bleeding like your b-fs rat has.

SHe had it off and on for a year though and it was linked to hormones. However, if its vaginal bleeding, she probably has a few things going on.  One, it could be a vaginal infection and with antibiotics from the vet, she should recover and may live on another 6 months to a year.

If its a tumor, I would keep her comfortable but if the vet says she is suffering, the kindest action would be to put her to sleep. Either way she should see a good vet that knows about rats. I can help find one for you so you dont waste money on a vet that will not be of any real help to her and may miss the infection and suggest putting her to sleep when all she may need is a week or two of medication.  Let me know your location and I will give you some names of vets that treat rats.

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QUESTION: thank you very much for clearing that up. she seems to be doing a lot better now. the bleeding is still off and on.  we tried to call a small animal hospital and they were going to charge us $150 just to see her.  it would be really helpful if you can let me know of some better options.  thank you

ANSWER: Let me know your location.  I promise I can find someone that is not outrageous and will charge much less than that just to see her. $150 is the price to expect to pay for tumor surgery!  Keep in mind Small animal hospitals simply mean that they are a clinic for dogs and cats. If it were for exotics, it would be avian/exotic clinic.  Rats are classified as exotics, not small animals if that makes sense.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: we live in riverside ca

Dr. Tia Greenberg
Westminster Veterinary Group    
6621 Westminster Blvd.
Westminster CA 92683
Phone:    714-899-1100

The place above is the best in California for exotics. They even have 24 hr care for emergencies which is awesome. Seems our rats pick 1am to get sick on us so having a place to go that sees rats in the wee hours of the morning is great. There are thousands of rat owners who do not have this available to them and it can be heartbreaking.

Please let me know if you bring your rat in to see Dr.Greenberg.

Good luck!