Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Bleeding toenail.

Bleeding toenail.

21 17:34:27

QUESTION: I have three young girls (Roxy, Stella, and Trixie) in a rather large cage, but it looks as though Roxy is being picked on. She is constantly getting pinned to the floor by the other two. Well, I got her out today to give her some medicine and noticed her toenail was bleeding. I put pressure on it and cleaned her up with some hydrogen peroxide, but it is still bleeding. What can I do for her toe? What can I do about the bullying?

Dont use peroxide, its too intense for their delicate tissue.
The formula for          normal saline solution is a bit more gentle to use. You can also pack flour on it if it continues to bleed.  The nail bed is very vascular and one way we get blood from the rat when we need a little sample.

As for the bullying, how old are the rats?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: There are 2 ten week olds and a 6(?) week old. The baby (Trixie) is the bully. She is constantly tackling Roxy. They seem to be playing, but it is REALLY rough... is that normal?

Yes it can get rough which always made me nervous. they always say "no blood, no foul" but still, I dont like seeing it.

Do they get along for the most part? Do they all eat ok or is there a problem with the alpha trying to keep the others from the food?  This is why rats always should be self feeders. Not only because the alpha may hoard food but because rats dont usually overeat and become fat. Its the type of food (poor diet) that causes obesity.