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overdose of ibuprofen in rats

21 17:09:59


am hoping you can help a little here.

my little girl found an ibuprofen tablet and chewed half of it. needless to say approx 5/10mins later she was rather dopey and limp, and was then rushed off to the emergency centre to have her stomach pumped.

the vets seem to have done a great job and managed to pump a fair bit out of her stomach, however 12hrs later she is still rather dopey and tired. occasionally she comes to life and tries to move around, and then gets tired again.

just wondering if there's anything extra i can do, to detoxify her system. are there any known foods/liquids i can give her to assist the system in cleansing the toxins from her kidneys to minimise damage? and/or if there are any foods i should avoid giving her.

any help and words of wisdom would be much appreciated. have only had her for 5months, and she's too adorable to lose.

finger's crossed.

It shouldnt make her sick in the first place. Normal dose for rats when they  take ibuprofen is
60 mg/lb of ibuprofen is a safe dose for rats.  

Symptoms of too much of any NSAID would be kidney problems, diarrhea, constipation, gastric distress and possible gastrointestinal bleeding.

How did they "pump her stomach?"