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Getting 2 adopted rats tomorrow, need advice ASAP

21 17:02:02

QUESTION: Hello, I'm taking in 2 brother rats tomorrow under 1 yr. old.

What kind of eating/behaviour issues would I need to watch out for while they're getting adjusted?

Also, could I introduce any other male rats in the future (what age is best?), to add to the pair?  I'm getting these from people who can't look after them anymore and I've never owned rats but have read about them.

Anything else re: food,etc. etc. would be great!


ANSWER: Hi Paula

I would not put the two rats your getting with other rats. For starters, you dont know anything about their history unless these rats have pedigrees and the owners can tell you more about them.  I buy mine from breeders now that have pedigrees that are several years along so we know about their genetics. This helps us with health issues and also temperament/aggression. Regardless of pedigrees, however, I never liked putting more than three males in one cage, no matter how huge the cage was.  Right now I have three baby rats that are really young, born the end of May and I drove several hundred miles to buy them. They were small as mice when I brought them home. They were already very socialized and curious and I at least know that they come from healthy rats etc..  pet store rats and rescued rats are a different story so you have to just take it as you go.  

ALso, do you know how often they were played with and held and taken out for play time etc?
They may not have been kept on the best diet (seed mixes from pet stores are the absolute worst diet you can feed your rats)
You asked what age you should introduce rats to each other and the answer is when they are babies if they are male and if they are a year or under if female.  A neutered male is more tolerant than an intact male, however.  
Also, be-careful what you read on the internet. Some sources are simply websites written by rat owners that have no real expertise in that field and just pass on information from their own experience with rats, and this is not always the best information. Some sites claim rats can catch colds and strep throat from their owners or that rats can eat anything that we eat etc...etc... and non of this is true.  

Please check out my website,  I made this site several years ago and continue to update it when I can, including photos of my own rats. I havent added info on my newest babies after losing my three older boys this past spring, mainly because as of this writing I have been fighting off some nasty flu bug for the past few days!

I know you will enjoy reading my site but I will still answer the questions you asked briefly now.  You will need to see what type of personality the rats have, they may be shy which is to be expected, especially if they havent been handled much. You need to find out all of that first unless you already know that.  Rats should not have foods high in proteins and fats and should have as little contact with their litter and own waste, cigarette smoke, air fresheners, powders, perfumes etc...anything that can aggravate their breathing. Be sure to read up on rat illnesses, especially mycoplasmosis and go over what kind of diet they should have. Being your in Canada, some of the foods we prefer for our rats may not be available or be named the same.  

As for playtime, they should be out of their cage at least an hour a day, in a rat safe area, I prefer the floor in a room that has no other animals around at all and has toys and stuff for them to explore.  CHeck out the info on my website.  Some people write how they let their rats run around on their couch or table which is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. Rats need more room than that, not to mention the hazards that come with letting rats loose on a couch such as crawling into the cushions and getting stuck. Also, falling off a high table or counter is a real risk. Again, rats should have a decent area to run around in, if anything, a bathroom is pretty safe as long as you clean the floor and around the toilet very very well first, and rinse any chemicals used to clean with well. Be sure there are no holes or cracks anywhere in any room you bring them in or they can escape in the holes if they are large enough.  NEVER take your rats outside and set them down to roam around. More info on my website about that.  I can go on and on for hours, which is why I will stop here and let you go to my website for the rest of the information.  Let me know what you think.  Oh and on a final note, its a good idea to secure a vet that knows how to care for rats. I can probably give you some names if you want. There are many in Canada available depending on where your located.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you Sandra, boy you sound like me when it comes to rabbits & guinea pigs which is what I really rescue.  We have many, many which are all housebunnies/guinea pigs, inc. skinnies.

I'm taking these guys in to help the people out and tried to learn as much as I could and I am 'into' it, not just throwing them some food, etc. etc. when they need it, and want to spend time with them.  

We do not use any chemicals whatsoever in our home, no scented products, we don't smoke, we use vinegar/water, fragrance free dish soap, etc.

I will look at your website.


You sound like you have it together so I dont think I have to ask if you need names of a vet!  If you have bunnies and cavy, you no doubt have probably gone through many vets before finding one that you dont have to question if he treated the animal properly or not!
I know I have locked horns with alot of vets before I found one that had a clue!!