Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > could i introduce a new rat?

could i introduce a new rat?

21 17:24:13

hello I had two female rats about 7 months old but, one of them died about 3 days ago from a tumor, could i get a new female rat and let her live in the same cage as my other rat because i dont want smudge to get lonely. thanks bernie

Yes you can get another rat for Smudge to live with.  I had a Smudge once, he passed away in April.  

Also, I am sorry your other rat died, usually tumors can be removed easily and rats live on just fine.  

also be sure not to put the new rats together till they get to know each other better or they may fight.  Put the new one next to Smudge but not too close where tails may fall into the others cage, and let them sniff each other through the bars etc... After a week or so, introduce each other by holding one and letting the sniff and eventually putting them on the floor together but done leave them alone for at least a few days.  Finally, they should be ok to live together. This time to do if you want it to work out.  Sometimes it works out super fast and other times its a longer process.