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Nato Rats?

21 17:33:18

I have been shopping around for a baby rat for my daughter. I had rats when I was a kid and love them! I went to a pet store that didn't have any young fancy hooded rats but they offered me a "nato" rat. I've never heard of them. They were smaller than rats and at first glance they look like large mice. They are about half the size of a standard fancy rat and the coloring ranges from white/cream to a grey/light brown in all types of markings. Have you ever heard of "nato" rats?  I have tried to look them  up online to no avail. I was hoping to get more information on them.. Thanks :)

Natal Rats are also known as African Soft Furred rats. I know they're very common in the herp industry because they're a ball pythons most common food, sad as it is, they're mostly bred for feeders. I know they come in a variety of colors and can be very sweet; but also very fast. I don't think they're as cuddly as our fancies are, but I could be wrong. I honestly have never gotten the chance to handle them -- as I live in a state where Natals are illegal!