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Local Vet

21 17:48:23

I would like to know if there is a particular vet in the Houston area that you would recommend.  We currently use Dr. White at Briarcrest Vet Clinic but we are new to rats and I have noticed that some of the advice he has given me contradicts the info I have received on  I know that Gulf Coast Animal Clinic treats small animals but they are so expensive!!!


Hi Kimberly

Below are the names of a few board certified exotic vets that will see rats.
Since your aware of Gulf Coast I wont put them down although that would be my top pick.  They may be a bit more costly because they are a 24hr emergency facility which right there can make  the price difference.                                
As for comparing what some vets may say to what you read at some forums, just be certain the info from these forums are accurate. I wont mention names but there are a small handful of message forums that have some members on it that tend to like to think they have all the answers but they can even pass some misleading information. One in particular that I Have found disturbing for a while now is some of these sites suggest baytril for everything  and leave out how it is not to be used on rats under 4 month old. Others also scare people to death telling them that their child with strep throat can actually give it to their rats and it turns into a fatal form of pneumonia. This is totally UNTRUE.  So you see, just watch carefully who you believe and dont believe when it comes to a site that is loaded with lots of well meaning rattie owners but some that are misinformed.

Of course, I wont disagree that many vets that are not well versed in rat care can do more harm than good and there is nothing worse than an arrogant vet that will not take outside advice no matter how wrong he is with a diagnosis etc...
I am not a vet, and my profile states that my advice is not to replace professional medical treatment but there are vets that should never be treating rats and still do.

As for the vet you are seeing now, He is NOT a board certified exotic vet. He is a vet that holds a special interest in exotics. There is a big difference between that and being a board certified exotic vet. Board certified means the person has taken the extended education needed to earn this distinction and in fact there are only 21 exotic vets in Texas.   However, that doesnt mean that the vet your seeing isnt well versed on the animals he has a special interest in. Sometimes these vets exceed even the recommedations for an exotic specialist but the downfall is they may not have what is needed as far as implements and supplies to care for the exotics.

Anyhow here is what I have for you below:

Dr. Lenette Deschamps                            
Brookdale Animal Hospital    
11120 Scarsdale
Houston TX 77089
Phone:    281-484-4733

Dr. Kristina Pilgram
Bissonnet/Southampton Veterinary Clinic    
2028 Bissonnet
 Houston TX 77005
Phone:    713-520-8743

Hope this helps!