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Rat Health Questions

21 17:01:38

I found you while looking on google how to help my pet rat, and i was hoping you could share with me some of that knowledge of yours :)

I have a pet rat, Mata, and he's about a year and a ten months. He's a double rex (i believe- he's hairless, with very little fur on his face), and my second rat. I never had any problems with him, or my other rat whom passed a few years ago, until I moved to New Mexico (where there's more allergins and stuff) in march.

Since, his right eye has had crusties. At first, it wasn't bad at all, he'd take care of them himself. Only recently in the passed couple of months has it gotten bad. It seems to be a solid layer of crust along (but inside) the bottom part of his eye. He lets me try and wipe it, and it seems like it doesn't really phase him much- but it keeps getting worse and worse and I know that can't be good for him.

I'm not sure what could be causing it- perhaps the stress of the move, different climates, maybe he just doesn't feel like cleaning himself the same as he used to, maybe because I put in a blanket in his (large) cage and he sleeps curled up in it- I imagine he goes pee there too, could maybe sleeping in the bacteria did it? I do change his blanket / fabrics every time I clean his cage.

I sit in the bathroom with Mata and let the room get really steamy, in hopes it would loosen it up a bit and I can get it off with a wet cloth. Each time I get close to his eye with it, though, he closes his eye and I can't get to the crusties. The hot showers do reduce the crusties, but not nearly completely, and within a few days, they are back.

Please help. :( I'm a very, very worried momma, and I would appreciate it so much if you could help me, or help me find someone / vet who could help me. Thank you so much

Have you seen my site,   Please take a look at it. I think you may enjoy it.

As for the rat, it could be anything from a slight respiratory issue from myco to an eye infection.  I would see a vet to keep this in check, but you are doing a good job keeping things clean etc...  As for vets, check this site here for starters. Let me know if you found anyone near you on the list.  If not, let me know right away.