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Sores on my pet rat.

21 17:42:45

I really don't no whats going on with my pet rat. She gets these really weird sores on her body. And she only gets one at a time. They start off looking weird like a bubble thing, and then after about a day or 2 they like pop or something and they turn into a sore and start 2 scab over. I put neosporn on her to help it heil. I play with her and my other rat daily. And she seems to be fine and very active and everything else like a normal rat its just those sores. I just now about 2 days ago switched her bedding 2 carefresh to see if its her bedding doing it.

Hi Shannon

SOunds like abscesses.  Does pus come out?  If so, what color is it? Green, yellow, white?  Is there an odor?  

I doubt it is her bedding. An abscess is bacteria that gets trapped and forms a pocket of pus. It eventually swells up and ruptures, scabs over, shrinks and goes away.   Keep the wound clean using saline solution and keep using neosporin like your doing.  Where are these located when she gets them?  Her cagemate may be biting her. Do they romp around alot?
Even if the bite is friendly from playing, if bacteria gets inside the skin the abscess will develop. They are nothing to worry about though as long as you help pop them when they come if they dont pop on their own and keep them clean when they do pop so they heal.